Colts Grille, Indianapolis, Indiana- review

On this taste adventure, my hubby and I traveled to our State Capitol in Indianapolis. My hubby is a big Colts fan and they actually have a restaurant down there named after the team.

Of course when we walk in , there are numerous TV's mounted every where as not to miss a second of the game. My husband and I were seated at a nice window table, and we start off with drinks. I myself am not a big drinker at all, but do enjoy an occasional fruit cocktail like this one. My darling husband usually has one beer.

I was so thrilled to see that this popular place actually buys it's ketchup locally. In fact, this bottle of "Colts" ketchup came right from Red Gold made in Geneva, Indiana, not 5 minutes from us.

On to dinner... This place is known for it's grill, so my husband orders a hamburger, that in all fairness was probably about a half pounder! He loved it!
Me...I ventured out a bit ( still love my chicken) and order a balsamic chicken with maple sauce and sweet potato fries.

This dish was very appealing when served with loads of colorful vege's. I LOVED the fries! Sweet potato fries are the bomb and could serve as entree and dessert all in one! Now, the first bite I took of the chicken was good. The breading with the maple syrup was an excellent combo, but once I hit the chicken, not so much. ( This is the part that gets the bad review, sorry) The chicken tasted like it had been boiled...three days ago, refrigerated, breaded, fried, then served. Needless to say, I ate my fries.

So...the Colts Grille got a 3 out of 5 dinner stars *** for this meal. ( did I mention my hubby loved his? I should have ordered the same)

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